Welcome to the Deborah Judith Ordering page. CDs are US $15.00 each (*or US $20.00 where noted), plus a calculated % of item value shipping and handling charge. Simply click on the Order Now icons and you will be taken to a shopping cart page where your order will be processed. For orders outside the USA and Canada, please email us directly at the address below to get exact shipping quotes to your area of the world. To get more information about any of the items listed, go to the Recordings page. To listen to selections from each of these CDs go to the Music Downloads page.

For Wholesale Orders (minimum 10 CDs) please email . Thank you.

*The TransGalactic Voyages Of Deborah Judith - 1

*The Concert For World Inner Peace

*Sacred Vibration

*A Handful Of Light

Evolving Heart Harmony 1

Classic Symmetry

Evolving Heart Harmony 2

Mantra Mandala

Evolving Heart Harmony 3

Copyright 2001 - 2013 Deborah Judith